Anniversary, Celebration

Dear Blog friends,

it feels so nice for me to be able to use my left hand again.

I had surgery October 14 to deal with cancerous cells in my left thumb. It required an operating room, a plastic surgeon, and a lot of stitches. They dug deep to my bone and tendon to get it all but I may still need radiation. I am so grateful I have my thumb and over 31 stitches later I am down to just one bandage. They had to backfill the lost meat from my thumb by taking a little piece from my bicep. Yucky eh. No more and don’t worry no photos. LOL That is behind me for now but the nature of my medications for my transplant and that I have been taking them for 33 years means more surgeries likely.

A is for Anniversary ; This is an anniversary post and unbelievable, almost, this is my 801st blog post. Wow.

I started this blog eleven years ago in honor of my Aunt Elinore. She was a miracle person and full of life and love for her family and friends. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed, she was a person of light and love.

My first blog post click here

Celebration; is for festivals of light.

Today marks the beginning of Diwali. Happy Diwali Festival.

Diwali symbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance“.

In December of 2017 I blogged about another Festival of Light and I thought how amazing light is, and how symbolic. (link here)

I am blessed to know via blogs and directly people who I think of as inspiring. They are light sharers.

It is wonderful to know people like that. It only takes one person like that to restore belief that there are good people in this world.

Now eleven years after starting this blog, gratefully able to type again, I want to thank everyone who ever read one of my blog posts.

I am not stopping reading or writing, but I felt like a message of appreciation was due, and appropriate. – David

Enjoy these recent photos I have taken here in the Okanagan valley. ♥♥♥

About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
This entry was posted in health, Just being creative, okanagan related, Thinking Out loud and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to Anniversary, Celebration

  1. I didn’t realize your hand needed attention David. I hope it gets better with each passing day.
    Congratulations on your blogging and I love the new shots!


  2. Wonderful news! Thanks m sorry the process was so daunting but you made it through and it’s so good to hear your able to blog again! I didn’t realize you’ve been blogging so long! That’s quite an accomplishment! Warmly, C


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Thank Cheryl, hugs. If doctor appointments meant airmiles, I could travel anywhere. LOL. The days add up on their own and the fellow bloggers like yourself is what keeps me posting. Thank you for your encouragement.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Joni says:

    Glad to hear you have recovered….it must be a fairly rare thing? Your pictures are beautiful – you must be having a nice fall there.


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Hi Joni. Thank you for your question. The immune suppression drugs result in greater likelihood of skin cancer. I have been taking them for over 30 years. I love nature and walking outdoors. I think it is amazing and wish my photos could reflect how it looks to the natural eye. Fall has been mild so far and only below zero once (celcius in Canada) but the colder temperatures will arrive but likely not until January. The winter light is perfect for photography though. Take care Joni.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Joni says:

        I guess I meant the location – your thumb! Most skin cancers are elsewhere. We’ve had a mild fall here in Ontario too, not uch leaf change – the leaves are just dropping off green.


      • dfolstad58 says:

        I thought thumb was unusual but I have had surgeries also on my right palm, forearm and index finger. Strange – I wonder if it has to do with sun exposure. I also have heard Ontario has awesome fall foliage.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joni says:

        We usually do, but not this year. It’s been unusually warm, but we are to have an early winter.


  4. Susan says:

    You and I are warriors. I am so proud how you fight to stay here. Every single time. We have so much to live for. Love you. Always. ❤


  5. Lorrie says:

    Seeing the beauty in nature is very healing. Many blessings to you and rapid healing.


    • dfolstad58 says:

      I took a sigh reading your comment. Thank you. I agree that nature is healing, and balancing even. In my neighborhood I have raccoons, deer, coyotes, owls and fresh, refreshing air. Even a walk in the wind, reminds me of being alive. Blessings to you for you understanding and empathy. hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. lghiggins says:

    Your fall colors and your photographing of them is amazing. We haven’t had that yet, and I have heard that they may change and then quickly get frozen out. I hope not! I am sorry to hear about your surgery and the depths of it. I know you are thankful that the recovery is almost over. I’m praying that you don’t have recurrences as you anticipate might happen. God bless you as you stay the course appreciating each day.


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Dear Linda, thank you for your warm note. The fall colours and the winter light is beautiful. It seems like a lot of my cherry leaves are still waving at me so I can enjoy them for a little longer. God bless you, hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Jane Fritz says:

    Oh, David, I’m so sorry to hear that you have been going through this health struggle. Best wishes for a quick recovery from here on in. Thanks for sharing pics of the beautiful part of the world in which you live with your blogging fans. 😊🍁🍂


  8. Congratulations on a successful surgery and your blog anniversary. Hopefully, you’ll write many more. And happy Diwali! What a wonderful festival. My son’s coworker gave him a box full of lovely sweets made for the occasion. Delicious!


  9. Bob Smith says:

    You are an inspiration Dave. I’ve never heard that you could get cancer in your hand before. I wouldn’t even know what to look for. Stay safe. Bob

    Sent from Mail for Windows


  10. LA says:

    Hope you’re feeling better!


  11. Hi David,
    I am glad to have you and your beautiful pictures here again.
    I am sorry for all have been going through. I am glad that you are healing/recovering well. Fingers crossed for no radiation.
    I admire your fight and positive outlook! You are inspiring!
    Congratulations on your 801th post! I didn’t realize you had been blogging this long! It is awesome.
    Sending you prayers for healing! Wishing you a blessed weekend! ♥♥


  12. Sandra J says:

    Hello David, It is good to hear you are recovering from yet another surgery. I was reading the comments above and thought to my self the same things. A strange place to have cancer in the hands or a thumb. But your explanation of all the medications you have taken over the years puts it into perspective. You have been through a lot and are an inspriation for all that you have gone through. Stay strong and keep enjoying the fresh air of the beautiful part of the world you live in. Wonderful photos as well Dave. Blessings to you.


  13. debscarey says:

    Oh, that sounds terribly challenging. Your fantastic attitude is a real tonic to read. Good luck with radiation therapy if you need it, and I hope that you recover fully from it all. This was a most uplifting gratitude post to read, so thank you very much.


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Challenging definitely 🙂 I am glad you enjoyed the post, I blog for the feedback now. I like to share my thoughts and ideas. Blessing to you and I hope you are doing alright with your own challenges. Sincerely, David

      Liked by 1 person

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