Inhaling A Moment

I meant to write a post more quickly after this special day last week but I feel like I’ve been an Okanagan tumbleweed (yes, we have lots of those!) and doctor appointments and life has kept me from planting myself at the keyboard, until now.

I sit here, stitches and all, glad to be reaching out to the fine people who read my posts and my ordinary happenings. I appreciated the encouraging responses to my recent post – HUGS!

Saturday mornings are different, my wife and I go out for breakfast. Afterwards today we were just exploring and we bought a beautiful walnut crib board built in 1962 that was like new and still in the box. The company that built it is named Drueke (Grand Rapids, Michigan) and it was founded in 1914. The history of the company includes building travel board games for the soldiers in 1941 and sending them overseas as part of the war effort.

We found our beautiful cribbage board at a neat community artist store called the Carousel Collective in Summerland.

Writing these Summerland names gives me a smile. A very special person in my life lives in Summerland (love that city’s name) and on Happy Valley Road. I always imagine him giving his address to someone who works in a downtown concrete jungle ave, smog valley city, North America and them reading the address back in disbelief wondering if such a place actually exists.

looking south towards Penticton – right hand man and #1 son – David Jr.

Summerland and Penticton are connected via the Kettle Valley Trail. The Kettle Valley Train used to travel through Summerland and down to Penticton in order to cross over to the east side of the valley and then head east.

Link to Kettle Valley Rail Trail

We are fortunate to be left with these wonderful trails on both sides of the lake to enjoy on our bikes.

looking south from the east side of Okanagan lake

Wind and cooler temperatures from 2023 are now left behind us this week but there were some lingering below zero days last week and blistering winds.

My son and I decided we would inhale the beautiful winter light with a day at the beach instead of a ride.

Our destination was Sunoka beach which is a wonderful park in Summerland and we enjoy bonfires and birthdays on the beach there during the summer months.

This last week was too cold and windy for a shirt-sleeve picnic but it was still a lovely day to embrace and soak up the moments at Sunoka beach so that’s what we did together.

We gathered chairs, a blanket and enjoyed some time there and it was lovely to inhale.

Why I wanted to share this with you is that sometimes I think I am guilty of wanting “ideal” circumstances for moments like this but that day last week is that just being alive was perfect enough for me and I wanted to make another deposit to my memory bank.

Here we are enjoying the day despite the brisk air temperatures at the beach. It was fabulous and we had a first class extraordinary day together.

To add a few closing thoughts; I was very pleased to spot an owl this week just overhead on my street because they are harder to spot than eagles.

Also yesterday we spotted eagles locked together and spiraling to the ground in a death spiral. They unlocked before they hit the ground but it was exciting to watch. I am grateful humans don’t flirt like that!

Those moments are exciting to me and I cherish them especially when they are shared.

Thanks for reading, I reply to all comments- ♥ David

About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
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35 Responses to Inhaling A Moment

  1. Darlene says:

    How wonderful to be living on Happy Valley Road. I don’t think you could have many bad days with that address. Always great to see the sun, even if the temps are very low. xo


  2. Jane Fritz says:

    Your bird encounters sound really special, David.


    • dfolstad58 says:

      They are really special to me Jane. I probably babble on about the birds I like here. But whether it’s quail or herons or even bats (not birds I know 🙂 ) they all please when I spot when I am out and about. But I enjoy coming across the snakes too so maybe it’s just the outdoors that I enjoy. Thank you Jane for reading today and commenting. – David

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jane Fritz says:

        I also love all the birds. We have nesting eagles here along the river, but I’ve sure never seen two of them circle downwards together! And I’ve only ever seen an owl in the wild once in my entire very long life!!


      • dfolstad58 says:

        The owl got me very excited. They are difficult to see but they are around. I was very happy. There is a nest at Sunoka that had owls a few years ago. They cordoned it off like a crime scene so you couldn’t get too close but I could look up and see the little owl faces looking down.

        Eagles are usually solo but there is a pair about a km from my house at an oxbow and we are always looking up to see if they are around. Thanks Jane. ♥

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Krystal says:

    It’s so inspiring to read about your adventures despite your challenges. It really lifts me up and reminds me to find some good. Thank you my dear friend. Hugs


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Thank you Krystal, I am grateful for the times and memories I have been given. I have been blessed with years that I didn’t expect to receive. I am glad you are back home together safe and sound. I appreciate how you kept in touch and shared photos. – David


  4. Hi David,
    It sounds like it was an “ideal” day with your son!
    Great pictures of such a beautiful place!


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Some might have said it was too cold for a day on the beach but for us it obviously wasn’t. We enjoy being together and appreciating nature, while being in the moment together. It’s a wonderful bond. – David


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Blessings to you! Whatever we do together I am grateful and find it special. I am truly blessed for the times and memories with him. – David

      Liked by 1 person

    • Deborah Bossence says:

      Every second holds precious moments…the best moments of our lives are stored in our minds & when we reflect on them they warm our hearts and make us smile.
      Thank you for sharing your adventure with your son and the beautiful pics.
      Your words soothe my soul and I am reminded of a quote by Rumi
      …the message behind the words is the voice of the heart.
      Deborah Bossence


  5. cindy knoke says:

    Looks so beautiful.


    • dfolstad58 says:

      It’s a lovely valley, over the years fruit orchards have been replaced by vineyards and now there is more than a hundred wineries, some of which award winning and served to the royal family while in Canada. Penticton is one of only two cities in the world that has two different lakes on it’s borders.


  6. heimdalco says:

    Such a lovely post & beautiful photos. I could almost smell the water. What a perfect day & perfect memory


    • dfolstad58 says:

      It was so cool (literally ! ha ha) but also very fresh. The beach was empty. Since this beach is a little more isolated it is often uninhabited when we visit. We could go to Skaha lake, about 1.5 km from home but I like the open beach and fresh wind off the lake. I am confident you would loved it and it would be a sweet memory for you also. – David Thank you sincerely for your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • heimdalco says:

        There are so few places like that left. What you said made me think of our sunroom. Glass on 3 sides ceiling to floor. We have breakfast out there & it’s lovely all seasons. So peaceful watching the snow fall & watching deer & wild turkeys strolling through the yards. It’s easily my Happy Place.


      • dfolstad58 says:

        Sounds very special, and perfect for mornings. ♥

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Lynn says:

    Sometimes the less than ideal moments we spend together ending being some of the most precious ones, perhaps because we just allow ourselves to bask in them without huge expectation.💕


  8. lghiggins says:

    Good to hear from you! I’m glad you are continuing to enjoy family, nature and life in general!


  9. Wynne Leon says:

    So fun to read about your recent adventures, David. Love this, “I wanted to make another deposit to my memory bank.” So good!


  10. Pooja G says:

    Making memories is so important. Glad you and your son had a great time together.


  11. Hi Dave, I’m glad to see you’re blogging again, and certainly living your best life, judging from all of the lovely photos!


    • dfolstad58 says:

      Thank you Debra, I’m always grateful to receive a comment from you. It’s Spring ! ♥ The temperature is sliding down again right now but I have been hearing robins so spring is here! – David

      Liked by 1 person

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