If you don’t know what to say, talk Food!


People in my observation love to talk about food, even Canadians who seem to love to about the weather.  In a group, a get-together, whatever you call it, food is likely to become the topic people share most easily.

My parents just returned from a trip to Saskatchewan. I called to ask them about their trip and my Mom talked about food, which made me smile.  Fresh lake trout caught by my aunt Marlene, and Uncle Bert seems to have been the highlight of at least portion of the visit. This is especially since my relatives caught the fish themselves in Waskesui Lake (check out the link).

I admit the apple doesn’t fall far off the tree.  Thinking about trips, and family memories invariably includes meals.  I remember the fish I was so proud of catching when I was a whipper snapper fishing in the river with my Grandpa Folstad. I caught the single pike but it was a beauty and I was barely able to hold it up.  (Iwas probably like 12 years old) Others in the family out caught me in volume but not in pride!  We headed home and those fish were cleaned, scraped and pan fried and it was fabulous, no scrumptuous! The mind picture is still there though decades have slipped by.

I remember the fresh bread my mom baked in our little house in Quesnel, B.C. (check the link) and I suspect nothing beat fresh hot bread from the oven, melted butter and home made jam.  Thanks Mom!

In a strange setting? meeting with a group of people you barely know? You can open the floodgates for a friendly discussion with this topic.  Food memories, Favorite Food,  favorite restaurant, what meal is their favorite ?(breakfast, lunch or dinner).

If you like to read blogs, then open your monitor to food blogs, some crazy fabulous cooks out there blogging who just love to share their passion, you are so blessed with a click of a mouse!  Check out the High Heel Gourmet – awesome blogger!  



About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
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