O Canada – 1967

Welcome to my 3rd blog in the “O Canada” category and I hope you are enjoying them.

When I was about 7 years old and it was 1966 when my family from Quesnel, British Columbia (BC) to (East) Vancouver, BC. It was my Dad, Mom, my brother and I. It was more than a long long drive, 700 km or so, it was also a huge change from small town to big city.

It was a momentous move and only when I was an adult did I realize how Mom and Dad had barely achieved it on the slimmest of shoestrings. I am sure it was stressful for them but my parents realized it was a “jump” that would lead to a better future for the family.

In 1966 houses could be bought for $16,000 and our realtor even lent us the down payment as my Dad was waiting for his severance pay. Amazing ! Houses seem cheap to us now but wages were also low; in 1966 the average annual income was about $4200 for a individual which would equate to $35,000 in 2020. We had two hungry boys and a german shepherd and at first only Dad was working, albeit that changed quite soon.

I was 7, my brother was 5 and we were blissfully unaware and to us it was a big adventure I suppose. It was months before my parents could afford an actual stove in our new home. Meals were always delicious and homemade and our parents kept growing up special.

We made our own kites with balsam wood and newspaper, and weekly visits to the Hastings branch library remain happy memories.

In the summer we had free swimming lessons at the outdoor pool that were sponsored by the Vancouver Sun newspaper.

In the fall of 1966 I began grade 3 at “little” Begbie – it was the elementary school in the area. (Big Begbie was Sir Matthew Begbie school – named after a famous “hanging judge”)

My teacher in grade 3 was Mrs. McDonald – my first day I had a double detention. ♥ I wasn’t a “bad” student but I got talking twice when I was supposed to be quiet. Fortunately my new friend Ole shared my detention.

Imagine my surprise when on the last day of school when I received a ribbon for “most improved” – Lol.

Spring of 1967 was when I developed a sense of my identify as a Canadian.

Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, John Diefenbaker, and others .

My Dad was a genius at finding fun things for us to do that were also free. We often toured visiting ships in the harbor such as destroyers, one aircraft carrier, a Japanese training ship that had sails, an American submarine and more. In 1967 there were one of those opportunities – a special train.

In 1967 I remember standing in the rain at the railway stop in downtown Vancouver – it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Confederation train. LINK

This was a train museum on wheels to share Canada’s confederation birthday of 100 years, I remember I liked it but not much else besides standing in line. LOL

In grade 3 that year all the kids had an opportunity to win gold, silver, and bronze patches for participation. LINK We all wanted Gold of course, but it consisted of doing multiple exercises and to win a gold patch you needed to be Gold at all three competitions. I remember I was Gold at two and Bronze at one so I ended up with Bronze. (oy vey) I was a bit disappointed and I think the events were sit-ups, running jump and standing jump – the standing jump was hardest for me because I was a “shrimp”.

It was also the year of learning the Centennial song which melody still rebounds in my skull and I can sing it along. It was called the CA – NA – DA song and if you listen you will know why – imagine my whole school – grades 1 to 4 all shouting out the words in a tiny gymnasium and we had healthy lungs♥

It was a song sung in a continuous round, and one grade would start first and continue and others would join in. Thinking of those brave patient teachers now, just makes me grin. ha ha

1967 – It meant 100 years for Canada, it was a simpler age now as I look back , and it was the year I identified as Canadian.

♥ Thanks for reading – ♥♥♥ – David

Lyrics are below for your pleasure to sing along 🙂


(One little two little three Canadians)

We love thee

(Now we are twenty million)


(Four little five little six little Provinces)

Proud and free

(Now we are ten and the Territories sea to sea)


North south east west

There’ll be happy times,

Church Bells will ring, ring, ring

It’s the hundredth anniversary of Confederation

Ev’rybody sing together!

Posted in family, O Canada | Tagged , , , , | 17 Comments

Je suis Canadien, Soy Candiense, I am Canadian

Welcome back to my blog – thank you sincerely for visiting and commenting. I am interested in your thoughts about this new category and your feedback.

My blog has a number of categories and I decided I wanted to start one called ” O Canada” – so I have and this my second post for this category.

Canada shares North America with the United States (USA) and we share many commonalities but also differences which make us unlike each other but also similar.

Today my message is that Canada and USA are different but we are close – in more ways than just geography.

I was interested to learn that my family tree is on both sides of the 49th parallel. Norwegian brothers arrived in New York a long time ago and some went north to Canada, and some settled in Canada. A few of those relatives I know, and unfortunately most I do not. It would be awesome to learn more about them.

I was born here, in a small town in Saskatchewan, I have lived in two provinces and sleep best when I am in Canada. I have lived in small towns, and in a metropolitan city – and wherever I lived I felt fortunate.

I believe that Canada and Canadians are very special. There is much to like, love and appreciate here as there is in countries all around the globe.

Since many people who visit my blog are not from Canada – I hope you will enjoy these posts as you perhaps learn a little more about Canada, and of course that includes my USA “cousins” who I hope will enjoy these posts.

Canadians and Americans have a close friendship and may it ever prosper and most USA presidents have shared positively, as did President John Kennedy – his words are below.

“Je me sens vraiment entre amis. (I feel that I am truly among friends.)”

“Nearly forty years ago, a distinguished Prime Minister of this country … said, ‘They may not be angels but they are at least our friends.’I must say that I do not think that we probably demonstrated in that forty years that we are angels yet, but I hope we have demonstrated that we are at least friends.” 

“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder.”

  • President John Kennedy

Tom Brokaw explained in February 2010 the relationship between Canada and The United States, in a pre-recorded short film that aired on NBC, prior to the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on Feb. 12th, 2010.

I hope you enjoy the short film as I did.

Many Canadians are from other countries, my family heritage is Norwegian and Ukrainian – both countries I have yet to visit.

My family were homesteaders and worked hard on the prairies and I am grateful they had the courage, and resolve to come to this great country.

There are many great countries in the world and wherever you call home – I send you my sincere wishes for good health and happiness. – David

Posted in O Canada, Thinking Out loud | Tagged , , , , , | 19 Comments

Not a fan of “Good” or “Fine”

Happy Spring dear readers!

Spring has arrived and last Sunday when I rode my bike around town, I was surprised at the depth and enthusiasm of the sun worship. People were celebrating a warm late winter day!

It wasn’t that warm in my opinion and although I have spotted a few persons daring Okanagan and Skaha lake already (and I am shocked every time!) with swim suits, it isn’t a behavior that I am likely to copy for a few months at least.

I do cherish the octave my voice is in, and that means no dips in the lake until more than the top few millimetres is warm unless I need to sing soprano.

I love spotting these on my rides.

I was thinking about the “Word of the Day” that I will be presenting this week as part of my Toastmasters meeting and I chose ” Scrupulous” which means “extremely careful, fussy, honest, precise, rigorous, strict”.

I chose this word because I am NOT a fan of the adjectives “Good” or “Fine” and I think you aren’t either.

Did you work really hard on a home project? washing the car? making a delicious homecooked meal?

Would you be happy with this vague feedback such as:

  • The meal was fine, or even worse, it was satisfactory?
  • You did a “good” job sounds to me like “it was okay“.

I really enjoyed dinner tonight, the extra step of toasting the buns in the oven for the falafels, and the raspberries for the salad really made the meal topnotch. – not “it was good dinner”

I really appreciate how you check in regularly with me, even though you are very busy with all the pressures of work and life – you regularly let me know you are thinking of me and call. – not “you are a good friend”

Say specifically what actions makes that person special, that meal appreciated, or their friendship unique and your feedback, comment, or discussion will “stand out”.

Sometime someone will look at say to you “ I will never forget how you told me ………….” and it will be because you said something scrupulous.

I will wind up this post with a few photos from recent bike rides, I hope you enjoy. – Thanks for reading, your honest feedback is always welcome ♥ – David

Posted in okanagan related, Thinking Out loud, Toastmasters | Tagged , , , , , | 19 Comments

Inhaling A Moment

I meant to write a post more quickly after this special day last week but I feel like I’ve been an Okanagan tumbleweed (yes, we have lots of those!) and doctor appointments and life has kept me from planting myself at the keyboard, until now.

I sit here, stitches and all, glad to be reaching out to the fine people who read my posts and my ordinary happenings. I appreciated the encouraging responses to my recent post – HUGS!

Saturday mornings are different, my wife and I go out for breakfast. Afterwards today we were just exploring and we bought a beautiful walnut crib board built in 1962 that was like new and still in the box. The company that built it is named Drueke (Grand Rapids, Michigan) and it was founded in 1914. The history of the company includes building travel board games for the soldiers in 1941 and sending them overseas as part of the war effort.

We found our beautiful cribbage board at a neat community artist store called the Carousel Collective in Summerland.

Writing these Summerland names gives me a smile. A very special person in my life lives in Summerland (love that city’s name) and on Happy Valley Road. I always imagine him giving his address to someone who works in a downtown concrete jungle ave, smog valley city, North America and them reading the address back in disbelief wondering if such a place actually exists.

looking south towards Penticton – right hand man and #1 son – David Jr.

Summerland and Penticton are connected via the Kettle Valley Trail. The Kettle Valley Train used to travel through Summerland and down to Penticton in order to cross over to the east side of the valley and then head east.

Link to Kettle Valley Rail Trail

We are fortunate to be left with these wonderful trails on both sides of the lake to enjoy on our bikes.

looking south from the east side of Okanagan lake

Wind and cooler temperatures from 2023 are now left behind us this week but there were some lingering below zero days last week and blistering winds.

My son and I decided we would inhale the beautiful winter light with a day at the beach instead of a ride.

Our destination was Sunoka beach which is a wonderful park in Summerland and we enjoy bonfires and birthdays on the beach there during the summer months.

This last week was too cold and windy for a shirt-sleeve picnic but it was still a lovely day to embrace and soak up the moments at Sunoka beach so that’s what we did together.

We gathered chairs, a blanket and enjoyed some time there and it was lovely to inhale.

Why I wanted to share this with you is that sometimes I think I am guilty of wanting “ideal” circumstances for moments like this but that day last week is that just being alive was perfect enough for me and I wanted to make another deposit to my memory bank.

Here we are enjoying the day despite the brisk air temperatures at the beach. It was fabulous and we had a first class extraordinary day together.

To add a few closing thoughts; I was very pleased to spot an owl this week just overhead on my street because they are harder to spot than eagles.

Also yesterday we spotted eagles locked together and spiraling to the ground in a death spiral. They unlocked before they hit the ground but it was exciting to watch. I am grateful humans don’t flirt like that!

Those moments are exciting to me and I cherish them especially when they are shared.

Thanks for reading, I reply to all comments- ♥ David

Posted in Just being creative, okanagan related, Thinking Out loud, travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

Stepping back.. on tip toes

I admire many bloggers that I follow. They regularly post and all their posts shine with their individual style and content. They inspire me to return and add my voice.

As I sit here and look out at the zero degree blue winter sky, I am smiling a little. I have never felt anything else but encouragement from the readers on this blog. That’s the kind people you are.

After all these months without posting, I feel like a swimmer who has dried off and now the lake feels cold again.

I am hesitant to get wet, and back in the lake but I know, in my heart, that I will be glad I got off the beach. Even if I question myself as I slowly enter the shallow cold water.

Every time I swim in one of our beautiful lakes, I look forward to the plunge when my head goes under the water, but still I am hesitant to plunge and only tip toe in and that cold water makes me jump when it hits my warm tummy! My toes won’t lift me any higher and my legs won’t get any longer ! LOL

It’s time to plunge in !


What Matters to You?

Isn’t that an interesting question? I think it might be the best question to ask anyone.

I think so because it opens up what is really important to the light and to be shared. That leads to really knowing and understanding others.

If conversations started that way, what would we learn about each other?

What would you want others to know about you?

Plunge into a real conversation and what will you reveal, what will you learn?


Valentines Day this year I had an unexpected experience and opportunity. I was asked to be one of the voice actors in a small radio play on the public radio channel here in Penticton.

I nearly said I couldn’t, but that wouldn’t have been true. I nearly said no because I felt unqualified compared to many others I know but instead I said yes. (My inside voice was saying What?)

I said Yes because No leads to nothing, but Yes leads to stories, and adventure. No is easier, but Yes holds promise ♥

On the day of the radio show there was no rehearsal.

I met the author of the play and the other voice actors and I liked their voices, accents and I was thinking “what am I doing here? – these people have nice voices and my voice isn’t.” I certainly doubted myself.

We all moved into the small radio booth, microphones on booms came down close to our heads and we recorded/performed the play on Peach City Community Radio – CFUZ – the play is 5 minutes long and named “My Grumpy Valentine” 

It was done, a quick plunge!

We all enjoyed ourselves, myself included and smiles were in abundance !

What made me really happy was that I said yes to trying something new.

If you want to hear the play and my short interview “Way higher than Zero! ” just after the play is completed – you can download and listen to here on Episode 52 – link to episodes on Local Matters –

Thanks to the sidewalk artist !


Posted in Thinking Out loud, Three Little Random Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , | 34 Comments

Beauty abounds

Thank you friends for reading today and taking the time to comment. It’s the comments and encouragement that make me as happy as a seagull with French fries. (oops, did I say that? It just slipped out)

Despite living in Penticton for 31 years – I still stop and admire the view and take pictures. Many of my pictures are quite similar – I can’t help it

Skaha Lake near sunset. Dragon boats! There are three in the photo!

One of the spots I enjoy driving to nearby is named Keremeos (pronounced Care-A-Me-Os).

The name originated from the Similkameen dialect of the Okanagan language word “Keremeyeus” meaning “creek which cuts its way through the flats” referring to Keremeos Creek which flows down from the Upper Benchlands to the Similkameen River that flows past the village. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keremeos)

I love to drive there, about a half hour away, as it’s through some mountain passes, along a small mountain lake and ta-da – you arrive. On my trips there I have seen white mountain sheep, a bear ran across the road in front of me once even.

I sometimes visit the Grist Mill. It’s a spot where you go for a relaxing visit and amazing food, things like salads with edible flowers♥ It’s the kind of treasure spot you wonder why it took you so long to hear about it.

When you eat there, you sit on outdoor picnic tables in the garden. Everyone together. A few dinners are planned now if you want to buy tickets and can get away. – venison meatloaf or crispy skin okanagan salmon. mmmm

Visiting the Grist Mill is so refreshing. It’s a step back and a treat to experience. You walk through the exhibits and the history is alive. (https://www.oldgristmill.ca/)

The owners run the mill respecting it’s heritage and history in everything they do. The history is special – link Huge thank you to them every time I visit.

Last year we visited multiple times and soaked it up and invited family to meet us there – so memorable and most dinners aren’t that.

I also have special friends who live there in Keremeos. One of them took these photos below.

A few nights ago my friend Krystal shared these photos she took while hiking with her hubby. It was nice of her to allow me to share and September 15 is her birthday!

Happy birthday Krystal! Thank you for being such a good friend and not a bad photographer either. (wink)

Krystal and her hubby love the outdoors, travelling and sharing moments like these together and every moment they can with their two daughters.

It’s easy to understand why they love that area, because you’d have to be a few pickles short of barrel not to. (love the Texas sayings ♥)

Plus as you can see – Keremeos is where I go to get my pumpkins for pie in October!

Peach King Orchards has a stand there and I am sure it takes them two WHOLE days to set up their pumpkin display. Outstanding!

Thanks for visiting – I hope you have a wonderful day, and enjoy the bounty of beauty around you♥- David

One final note of wisdom before I exit; this from Linus “It’s the Great Pumpkin”

Posted in food, South Okanagan Restaurants and Other Jewels, Thinking Out loud | Tagged , , , , | 25 Comments