Challenge Yourself – Dare to Succeed

Don’t you love it when you succeed, that sense of accomplishment when you have received recognition.

Likely when you were young your parents chose what sports or musical instruments you were going to attempt.  You had to go, they drove you to practice and they clapped and cheered at your game days or performances.

That part of your journey is past. What have you attempted lately? Do you only attempt sports, hobbies that you know you will succeed?

A few years ago I was challenged to take up jogging (not running) and I was challenged to think about doing a Marathon. Well I took the challenge but only achieved 10 kilometres fun races, and at one point I was running 14 kilometres 3 times a week.

Also a few years ago, a co-worker challenged me to swim regularly. He was a fantastic motivator, not only did encourage me but he went with me to the pool 3 times a week, or to the lake in the summer and swam RIGHT behind me.  When I would stop and hang on the edge of the pool and pant and gasp – he would arrive right behind me. keep going davie, don’t stop – doing great! And off I went knowing he was in the bubbles right behind my kicking feet. Eventually, a long eventually ( a year later)  I was doing 60 lengths at a time, and breathing properly when swimming for the first time ever in my swimming history. I was proud of what I had accomplished thanks to his encouragement.

Maybe next I will enter a contest speaking, that is something I certainly don’t have the desire for BUT worth a try, not only for myself but for someone else I hope to encourage ~ just not sure whom yet. (smile)

Now I learned two things. First it feels great to do something, and learn something new. Second, I felt good as his coach and helping him improve his swimming also. I felt some pride when he reached his goals also.  It was a double win ~ challenge someone to an experience in 2011.  You can have the fun, and memories of not only being a participant but also encouraging, motivating, cheerleading someone (your friend, your spouse) to SUCCEED at their challenge.

Curling, Yoga, Tennis, Swimming, Cooking classes, Ice Skating or Toastmasters ~ do it together and get the DOUBLE Experience.

About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
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