Three Little Random Thoughts #3 – Outlook

Welcome to my little blog, I am grateful for your interest. I am continuing with this new category on my blog called “Three Little Random Thoughts” – today the theme is “Perspective”. I hope my grey hairs qualify me on this topic. ☻


When I was a child in Vancouver I took swimming classes during the summer in an outdoor pool, Hastings pool, appropriate as it was on the corner of Hastings Street and Renfrew.

Google picture – sometimes you have to dive in

It wasn’t a huge pool and only open a few months of the year, it was an exciting place to be when you are a pre-teen and in the east side of the “big” city.

I remember walking from home and the pavement got sticky on the hot days of summer, my towel over my shoulder. Those were carefree times, I just had my towel, socks and shoes – life was simple.

The lessons were in the morning and in the afternoon, kids could just splash around.

Every hour the lifeguards would kick everyone out of the pool and the building. There was usually a line-up of kids outside the building waiting to get in. They would be lined up behind a rope like you see people waiting in a bank to see a teller.

If there weren’t too many waiting outside at the end of the hour, I would leave the pool early and get in line before the lifeguards closed the pool. I did that so that I could be let in with the next “bunch” and before everyone got in line ahead of me.

I remember there was a small diving board and a big diving board. The small one was maybe 3 feet over the water surface, but the “big” one was 9 feet over the water. Standing at the side of the pool and looking up at the “high” diving board, it didn’t look that scary. I remember climbing up that aluminum ladder shakily and every single time, it was a lot higher looking down at the pool than it was looking up at the high diving board.

I think now I could have learned a lesson then about perspective, and maybe I did. I am sure kids trivialized the bravery of someone like me who at first was afraid to dive off that high board. They were looking from the outside and from the pool deck.

Now I hope I have learned a few lessons. One is that diving off of a high board, or anything, in life isn’t easy, and two that it’s always a relief to look up and laugh when you are safe in the pool.


There are places I’ll remember

All my life, though some have changed

Some forever, not for better

Some have gone, and some remain

All these places had their moments

With lovers and friends, I still can recall

Some are dead, and some are living

In my life, I’ve loved them all

In My Life – The Beatles
Africa learns to make us disappear


I enjoy reading and often a few books “on the go”. If you enjoy reading as I do, you may have a few favorites.

I never tire of reading “Sherlock Holmes” stories. There are all sorts of what I suppose we think of as “spin offs” from the original created by Arthur Conan Doyle.

I enjoy the language of the historical stories as it rich and I am often adding words to my own vocabulary as a result of reading or taking note of a quote from a story.

I confess that I have been as blind as a mole, but it is better to learn wisdom late than never to learn it at all. – The Man with the Twisted Lip / Sherlock Holmes


While walking to burn calories I regularly listen to a show called “Under the Influence” – it is a CBC Podcast.

The creator, Terry O’Reilly, has an amazing show, each one about 27 minutes long. He tells stories about various themes related to …. well, see for yourself. Click here

Each episode of his show illustrates amazing research. In one of his episodes he talked about the famous “Wright Brothers” – Wilbur and Orville. Now you may already know the story but did you know that they often argued?

Arguing isn’t special, but how they settled their disputes was. After arguing their point of view, they would switch sides and argue the other brothers point of view.

Isn’t that wonderful? They would actively try to see the points of view of the other brother – resulting in understanding and I assume better decisions.

I think that is “Wisdom”

Wilbur and Orville Wright were American inventors and pioneers of aviation. In 1903 the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight; they surpassed their own milestone two years later when they built and flew the first fully practical airplane.


That’s all folks! I hope you are well, developing your own outlook, wisdom and perspective. – David

About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
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28 Responses to Three Little Random Thoughts #3 – Outlook

  1. Jane Fritz says:

    Memories are so special. I also love Under the Influence. Terry O’Reilly is really, really good at his research and presentation.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joni says:

    I read a biography about the Wright brothers several years ago and it was very interesting. I love that Beatles song……and your cat….and your cat’s name… unique!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love these random thoughts! 💕C

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I share many memories of the pool with you, though ours didn’t close every hour but did have an “adult swim” 15 minutes of every hour where kids cleared the pool and only adults could get in. I’ve only been off the low diving board once in my life, and there is no way I’d try the high one! I was too good at belly-flops! Thanks for sharing your memories and your wisdom. I, too, love the lyrics to that song!

    Liked by 1 person

    • dfolstad58 says:

      Those were the days, and I remember adult swims at the pool but not at the outdoor pool. At Simon Fraser University there was much higher platform. To this day I wonder why I ever dove off of it. Trying to prove something to myself. Overcoming fear should be a post I write. – David
      Thanks for reading my posts and commenting especially. ♥


  5. Lorrie says:

    I went to a pool like that in Remsen, Iowa, where I grew up. I remember the very scary high diving board. I also remember the excitement of getting saltwater taffy – those waxed-paper wrapped flat kind that broke apart when you hit them. Ahh, summer memories.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bob Smith says:

    I was at the same pool, three blocks from the house I grew up in, my mom was the night secretary at the community center. Clifford Olsen tried to get her in his car. Memories of East Van.

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great pool. I’m pretty sure the Hastings pool is still there, although I haven’t had a chance to head down that way for a while. I’m also a big Sherlock fan and have a collection of stories, along with a collection of Agatha Christie’s too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • dfolstad58 says:

      Hi Debra. I wonder if the pool is there, the swimming lessons were called Sun swimming lessons- likely sponsored by The Vanvouver Sun. I should try an Agatha Christie since you recommended them. —David

      Liked by 1 person

      • I wouldn’t be surprised if swimming lessons are still offered there, but I’m not sure what they’d be called. If you enjoy solving mysteries, you’ll really enjoy Agatha Christie. Her main characters, Miss Marpole in one series and Hercule Poirot in the other are legendary among mystery readers.


      • dfolstad58 says:

        Agatha Christie mysteries are famous indeed but somehow I have never read them. I wonder how I missed them. I have been enjoying mysteries for a long time. Thank you. I hope you’re writing is going well. – David

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, David. If you like British mysteries, there are others I can recommend, both past and present 🙂 Writing’s going well, I think. Editing is always a tough haul, but I do enjoy it.


      • dfolstad58 says:

        I always welcome your reading suggestions. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. usfman says:

    Wisdom seems to be a rare commodity these days and I appreciate your attempts to offer your own examples of this concept in an intriguing, story telling way.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Loved reading about your pool memories because they are so much like my memories. I loved the ‘high dive’, swimming lessons and I would be at the pool as much as possible. I also love that the Wright brothers would argue the other brother’s side! Very wise indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Raymond says:

    Some great stories. I enjoyed your post.



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